We believe that in order to fuel the transition towards a sustainable digitalization, our impact must go beyond exclusively academic writing. This is why we are continously working on broadening our networks with initiatives and civil society actors and aim to publish articles across a variety of sectors and media outlets.
Here is a selection of our contributions as well as external media coverage about our work:
06/12/2022: Podcast: Digitalisation for people and the planet
CREDS speaker series with Dr. Steffen Lange, Prof. Tim Schwanen, Prof. Mattias Höjer, Prof. Tim Foxon and Dr. Sarah Higginson – Audio and Transcript: https://www.creds.ac.uk/podcast-digitalisation-for-people-and-the-planet/
The European Environmental Bureau on Dr. Steffen Langes discussion paper „Digitalization and Growth Independence“, 2022
https://meta.eeb.org/2022/12/07/how-to-rethink-digitalisation-for-a-post-growth-future/17/11/2022: Seven principles for using digital technology for sustainability
Prof. Lucia Reisch for the University of Cambridge about the principles laid out in „Digital Reset“, 2022
https://www.jbs.cam.ac.uk/insight/2022/seven-principles-for-using-digital-technology-for-sustainability/17/10/2022: Digitaler Reset. Technologien für die sozialökologische Transformation
Presentation of D4S Expert Panel member Steffen Lange about the D4S report [GER, 25min]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2Kpxr9InD413/10/2022: Widersprüche, neue Ziele und der Energieschock: Neuorientierung nötig!
lic.rer.publ. Ariane Rüdiger about the project D4S and „Digital Reset“, 2022
https://www.datacenter-insider.de/widersprueche-neue-ziele-und-der-energieschock-neuorientierung-noetig-a-b1d6e84ad0fa96adee932fd42bc3cb8e/04/10/2022: Digital Reset – Neuer Report fordert die grundlegende Neuausrichtung digitaler Technologien
RESET Digital for Good about „Digital Reset“ and why we need to reorganize digital tools, 2022
https://reset.org/digital-reset-neuer-report-fordert-die-grundlegende-neuausrichtung-digitaler-technologien/03/10/2022: Bits & Bäume: „Wir müssen Big Tech kleiner machen“
Heise online about „Digital Reset“ and why big tech needs to downsize, 2022
https://www.heise.de/news/Bits-Baeume-Wir-muessen-Big-Tech-kleiner-machen-7282831.html03/10/2022: Digitalfirmen und Nachhaltigkeit: „Treiber beim Energiehunger“
taz about „Digital Reset“ and digital enterprises, 2022
https://taz.de/Digitalfirmen-und-Nachhaltigkeit/!5882301/01/10/2022: Digitale Ökonomie nicht auf Pariser 1,5-Grad-Pfad
SOLARIFY about „Digital Reset“ and how to change digital pathways, 2022
https://www.solarify.eu/2022/10/02/074-digitale-oekonomie-nicht-auf-pariser-15-grad-pfad/01/10/2022: New Report: DIGITAL RESET. Redirecting Tech for the Deep Sustainability Transformation
Video of D4S Expert Panel members Tilman Santarius, Lorenz Hilty, Dorothea Kleine, Angelika Hilbeck, Philipp Staab, Marianne Ryghaug, Mattias Höjer, Hugues Ferreboeuf and Stephanie Hankey introducing „Digital Reset“ at Bits & Bäume conference 2022 in Berlin, 2022 [ENG, 1h]
https://media.ccc.de/v/bitsundbaeume-20718-new-report-digital-reset-redirecting-tech-for-the-deep-sustainability-transformation-en-30/09/2022: Sustainable digital market design: a data-based approach to the circular economy
Piétron, D., Staab, P., Hofmann, F. (2022). Sustainable digital market design: a data-based approach to the circular economy. Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS).
https://feps-europe.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/FInal_digital_4.7.22_Sustainable-digital-markets-design-copy.pdf30/09/2022: Wie die Digitalisierung klimafreundlich wird
Jana Ballweber from Frankfurter Rundschau about the research network “Digitalization for Sustainability“, 2022
https://www.fr.de/politik/wie-die-digitalisierung-klimafreundlich-wird-91823340.html30/09/2022: Netzpolitische Höhepunkte der Konferenz Bits & Bäume
Netzpolitik.org at the conference Bits & Bäume in Berlin, 2022
https://netzpolitik.org/2022/zukunft-der-nachhaltigkeit-netzpolitische-hoehepunkte-der-konferenz-bits-baeume/30/09/2022: New Report: Digital Reset. Redirecting Technologies for the Deep Sustainability Transformation
TSU of the University of Oxford on „Digital Reset“, 2022
https://www.tsu.ox.ac.uk/news/220930-digital-reset.html30/09/2022: Wie der Energiehunger digitaler Technologien gestoppt werden kann
Süddeutsche Zeitung about „Digital Reset“, 2022
https://www.sueddeutsche.de/wirtschaft/nachhaltigkeit-digitalisierung-stromverbrauch-technologie-1.566690630/09/2022: Bits & Bäume 2022: Forderung nach einem Reset
heise online about the new report „Digital Reset“ introduced at conference Bits & Bäume 2022, 2022
https://www.heise.de/news/Bits-Baeume-2022-Forderung-nach-einem-Reset-7280682.html30/09/2022: Digital Reset: Neustart für die Digitalisierung gefordert
Tagesspiegel Background about the new report „Digital Reset“, 2022
https://background.tagesspiegel.de/digitalisierung/digital-reset-neustart-fuer-die-digitalisierung-gefordert30/09/2022: Bericht ‚Digital Reset‘: Digitalisierung wenig nachhaltig
SWR Wissen podcast about „Digital Reset“, 2022 [GER, 1min]
https://www.swr.de/wissen/umweltnews/bericht-digital-reset-digitalisierung-wenig-nachhaltig-100.html30/09/2022: Launch of the report Digital Reset – Redirecting Technologies for the Deep Sustainability Transformation
digital futures about „Digital Reset“, 2022
https://www.digitalfutures.kth.se/2022/09/29/launch-of-the-report-digital-reset-redirecting-technologies-for-the-deep-sustainability-transformation/27/09/2022: How can digitalization support the quest for a deep sustainability transformation?
Marianne Ryghaug in interview with NTNU, 2022
https://www.ntnu.no/nyheter/en/how-can-digitalization-support-the-quest-for-a-deep-sustainability-transformation/29/08/2021: Der digitale Konsum muss grüner werden.
Süddeutsche Zeitung. Piétron, D., Staab, P., 2021
https://www.sueddeutsche.de/wirtschaft/eu-digitalisierung-konsum-1.539518423/06/2021: Digitalization for sustainability? System updates required!
Zukunft der Arbeit. Digitalization for Sustainability (D4S), 2021.
https://www.zukunftderarbeit.de/2021/06/23/digitalization- for-sustainability-system- updates-required/ 18/06/2021: Digitizing a sustainable future
One Earth 4, 768–771. Reisch, L.A., Joppa, L., Howson, P., Gil, A., Alevizou, P., Michaelidou, N., Appiah-Campbell, R., Santarius, T., Köhler, S., Pizzol, M., Schweizer, P.-J., Srinivasan, D., Kaack, L.H., Donti, P.L., Rolnick, D., 2021.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oneear.2021.05.012 18/06/2021: Interview with Digitalization for Sustainability
Branch magazine, Pohl, J., Gossen, M., Santarius, T., Jankowski, P., 2021.
https://branch.climateaction.tech/issues/issue-2/interview- with-digitalization-for- sustainability/