We kindly invite you to our partner event at this years EU Green Week, during which EU policymakers come together with environmentalists and stakeholders to debate EU environmental policies. The D4S workshop takes place online on June 2nd 2022, 11am-12.30pm CET.
If you would like to participate, please follow the instructions below.
About the Workshop
A resilient Twin Transition: Policies for a Digital Green Economy
The twin transition sets out to combine the digital and the green transitions. The primary connection is that digitalization helps to facilitate the urgently needed green transition. This endeavor relates to various policy initiatives in the EU – both within the digital and the green policy arenas.
At the same time, the climate crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russo-Ukrainian War indicate that European economies need to be made resilient to an increasing number and severity of crises. In this workshop we discuss, how the digital and the green transitions can be truly combined – conceptually and in concrete policies. The discussion starts from the hypothesis that the twin transition should be integrated with the concept of resilience to become a viable strategy for the decades to come.
How to participate
You can participate in the event via Zoom* starting 11am CET on June 2nd. No registration necessary. For safety reasons our host requires the most recent Zoom-version: please update your client, if necessary. Join us via:
Meeting-ID: 610 9682 8839 / Password: 143216
*If this is your first time using Zoom: the access link will initiate the download of the client software („Zoom-launcher.exe“). This software must be executed or installed (recommended) on your computer. If you prefer not to download it, please click the link „join via browser“ (available for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge).
We are looking forward to having you!
Time remaining until the Event: