EEB Event

EEB Event

The European Environmental Bureau, the Technical University of Berlin, Digitalization for Sustainability – Science in Dialogue (D4S), and the Greens/EFA group invite you to an online event on

Digital economies beyond growth

When: Thursday, Dec 1, 2022 – 9:30-10:45 (CET)

Where: Online


Digitalisation and the ‘’twin transition’’ are the big promises of our times to bring about new economic prosperity and at the same time save the planet. Digitalisation has already deeply influenced and changed the way we live and work, travel, communicate and relate with each other. In the future, digital technologies will be seen as indispensable to unlock the potential to decarbonise heavily polluting sectors and implement the European Green Deal.

At the same time, digital transformation creates significant pressure on the environment and people, due to the substantial energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions emitted by producing and using digital devices. In addition, various rebound effects lead to an ever-increasing number of devices and additional consumption in other economic sectors, triggered by the use of digital applications. The so-called „twin transition“ rests on the hope of achieving the green transition through efficiency gains from digital technologies. However, given that green growth is unlikely to achieve the Paris Agreement, it becomes clear that a more nuanced and holistic approach is needed.

The event will address why digital technologies cannot fulfil the hope of reconciling economic growth and environmental sustainability. The event will also cover how digital technologies can serve to facilitate sufficient lifestyles and support to make employment and social welfare independent from economic growth.


9.30 – 09.35: Welcome

Katy Wiese (Senior Policy Officer for Economic Transition and Gender Equality, EEB)

09.35 – 09.45: Keynote

David Cormand (MEP, Greens)

09.45 – 10.00 Presentation of the report

Dr. Steffen Lange (Researcher, Humbolt University, Berlin)

10.00 – 10.30: Panel discussion

David Cormand, Dr. Steffen Lange and Almut Nagel (DG CNECT) (TBC)

10.30 – 10.40: Questions and Answers

10.40 – 10.45: Closing, including implications